Try This Elbow-Fold Backswing Drill For Added Power And Consistency

If you are prone to high hands or what's known as a 'flying elbow', PGA pro Katie Dawkins has a great drill to help

Backswing drill

If you, like many, have a tendency to get ‘armsy’ when you swing, the chances are you’re not tapping in to all the power and consistency at your disposal. For those for whom this rings a bell, PGA pro Katie Dawkins has a fantastic elbow-fold backswing drill that will help you gain control over your swing and reclaim those lost yards.

First, hang your arms down while standing in your golf posture, letting the arm furthest from your target go really soft. Now, take your lead hand and tuck it behind the back of your trail elbow. 

Tuck your lead hand behind your trail elbow like this

Keeping the right arm (left for left-handers) soft, simply rotate and turn your back to your imaginary target. The back elbow should fold and remain relaxed at the top of your swing. 

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At this point, your elbow will be neatly tucked, almost as if you have a tray of drinks on your hand, and your body will be nicely coiled up.

Repeat as many times as you like or until you start to hone the feeling. Try to recreate it when hitting shots and you should notice a difference. Warning: as with most things golf-swing related, it will take time and effort to achieve the desired results, but stick with it as the rewards will be worth it.

Coil up to the top and you’ll get into a far more efficient position at the top of your backswing

When we keep the swing more compact and use the bigger muscles (our core and glutes) to wind ourselves up, the power makes a dramatic entrance.

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So, if you are prone to high hands at the top of the backswing or a flying elbow, this is a brilliant fix as it provides golfers with a feeling they can rely on and a drill they can return to if bad habits creep back in. 

You’ll find it hard not to notice if your arms misbehave, making this an extremely effective check. And what’s more, it can be done out on the course while you are waiting between shots, at the range during a practice session, or even in the comfort of your own home, giving your muscles a constant reminder of what they should be feeling.

This article Try This Elbow-Fold Backswing Drill For Added Power And Consistency appeared first on Golf Monthly.