What Does CG Mean In Golf?

A phrase often used by equipment manufacturers, we explain what CG actually means here.

What Does CG Mean In Golf

What Does CG Mean In Golf?

Along with MOI (moment of inertia), COR (coefficient of restitution), and CT (characteristic time), CG has become a common acronym used in the world of golf in terms of equipment and on the television. But what exactly does it mean and how does it affect shots? We take a look below.

What does it mean?

CG stands for centre of gravity and in golf it is used in terms of equipment. When manufacturers use the term you often hear phrases like, ‘the centre of gravity is low, the centre of gravity is as far back as possible, or the centre of gravity is high.’

When they say this, they are describing the CG location in terms of the club-head which is measured and calculated by balancing the club-head in a variety of ways (face, sole or pretty much anywhere). The CG within the club-head is the intersection of all these balance points.

Each club-head has a vertical CG location (how high up in the head the CG is from the sole), a horizontal location (how far away from the shaft) and finally how far back from the club-face it is too.

How does this affect golf shots? 

The lower and further back the CG is then the higher the trajectory of the shot. The CG being placed further or closer to the face is the easiest way to have an affect on trajectory.

Whereas the horizontal CG tends to have an affect on accuracy. The closer it is to the shaft then the player is less likely to push or fade the ball. The further away the CG is then there will be a greater tendency for a push or a fade.

How can CG be moved around the head?

Usually CG is dictated by the length, width and breadth of the club-head but in 21st century golf clubs, movable weights have meant the CG of clubs can be moved around.

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This article What Does CG Mean In Golf? appeared first on Golf Monthly.