Tiger to publish life story

Tiger Woods is writing an biography that will be published next year under the title ‘Back’.

Described by publishers HarperCollins as a ‘candid and intimate narrative of one of the most storied and accomplished athletes in history’, the book will cover the full breadth of Woods’ life, from growing up a celebrated golfing prodigy to shattering centuries-old racial barriers as a young pro; from rising to unprecedented fame and global icon status to battling devastating injuries and personal issues; from enduring years of physical anguish to mounting an astonishing return at 43 years old, culminating with the 2019 Masters, where his thrilling victory was championed as one of the greatest sporting comebacks of all time.

Although Woods previously published an instruction book called ‘How I Play Golf’ in 2002, in association with Golf Digest, and ‘The 1997 Masters: My Story’, which was co-authored by Lorne Rubinstein, ‘Back’ is the first and only biographical account written by himself, with the full cooperation of his friends, family, and inner circle.

Tiger celebrates victory at the 2019 Masters

Speaking about the idea of writing his life story, Woods said: “I’ve been in the spotlight for a long time, and because of that, there have been books and articles and TV shows about me, most filled with errors, speculative and wrong.

“This book is my definitive story. It’s in my words and expresses my thoughts. It describes how I feel and what’s happened in my life. I’ve been working at it steadily, and I’m looking forward to continuing the process and creating a book that people will want to read.”

Judith Kurr, president of publishers HarperOne Group, said: “We are thrilled and proud to work with Tiger on what I believe will be the publishing event of the decade. Tiger will reclaim his own story and legacy and it’s a story for the world over.”

HarperCollins Executive Editor Sharron Welch, who will edit the book, said: “Meeting with Tiger, speaking with him at length about the process of writing a memoir, I was delighted to discover how much he has to say, and how ready, how eager, he is to say it. He’s at a place in his career and his life where he’s thinking deeply about his story, the highs and the lows, and how it all relates and connects. I think the result will be extraordinary.”

A date for publication has yet to be announced.

The post Tiger to publish life story appeared first on Golf News.

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