Due to the latest cyber-attacks WADA set up new security features in ADAMS in order to assure data privacy.

The IWF ADAMS team wishes to give you a quick guidance how to proceed.

WADA changed the ADAMS password requirements on the 19/08/2016, consequently all users need to refresh their ADAMS password as follows:

  • Password length must be at least 8 characters
  • Password must include at least one upper case character
  • Password must include at least one lower case character
  • Password must include at least one numeric character
  • The previous 6 passwords cannot be reused

Permanent lock:

If you enter an incorrect username and password combination at least nine times in a row, ADAMS will lock you out “permanently”. In this case please contact the IWF (

Forgotten user name:

Please contact the IWF (

Forgotten password:

You can click the “Forgot Password” link at the bottom of the ADAMS Login page. In case you don’t receive any email please let us know ( and we will adjust your email address in the ADAMS system.

Individual password:

Member Federations remain responsible to give or refresh the individual passwords. The new password requirements are the same as listed above.

On the athlete’s profile please click on the manage user account button to refresh it.
In case your athlete doesn’t have any individual password, you can give him/her one. In this case please click on the athlete’s profile on the create user account button.

All users are entitled to change their respective passwords any time in line with the ADAMS Privacy Policy.