The International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) following the London Olympic Games continued the extensive range of doping controls around the world in close cooperation with National Weightlifting Federations (NFs) and National Anti-Doping Agencies (NADOs).
The IWF was the first to introduce the steroid profiling and the latest methods elaborated by the WADA Accredited Laboratory in Cologne (GER) are being applied for the detection of anabolic steroids.
It is unfortunate that amongst the many countries where In-and Out-of-Competition controls took place in the past months, a large number of positive cases concern Turkish lifters. The positive findings can also be attributed to the cooperation of the Turkish Weightlifting Federation and to the new analytical methods of the Cologne laboratory. The result management is still in process therefore none of the cases are closed yet.
In 2012 the IWF carried out over 2,000 anti-doping controls in more than 120 countries around the world including 800 Out-of-Competition controls and over 1,200 In-Competition controls.
Education is a vital and efficient tool to fight against doping in sport. In cooperation with WADA, NADOs and NFs the IWF has launched the Athlete’s Outreach Program and organized Say No to Doping events at major international competitions under the slogan:
“Lift CLEAN and Jerk”