Membership of the IWF Clean Sport Commission confirmed

The International Weightlifting Federation is pleased to announce that the composition of the Clean Sport Commission which has been set up further to the IWF Executive Board’s decision of 14 June 2017 in Tokyo, JPN is now confirmed.

The Commission is tasked to advise the Executive Board on further improvements of the IWF Anti-Doping Program following the assessment and analysis of what yet has been accomplished.

The IWF firmly believes that the expertise of the highly qualified independent professionals involved in the work of the Commission guarantees and further deepens the IWF’s continued innovative and constructive approach towards its steadfast fight for clean sport.

Thorough and multiple-layered analysis is assured by the diversity of the Commission’s composition as it unites various Stakeholders of the field of Anti-Doping, such as: Athlete Representative, Representative of the World Anti-Doping Agency, Sports Law Experts, Laboratory Experts, Representatives of a National Anti-Doping Agency and Representatives of the IWF Bodies.

The Members of the IWF Clean Sport Commission are:

  • Richard Young, Partner, Bryan Cave LLP
  • Benjamin Cohen, Director – European Office and International Federation Relations, World Anti-Doping Agency
  • Mario Thevis, Head, Institute of Biochemistry, Center for Preventive Doping Research, German Sports University Cologne
  • Hans Geyer, Deputy Head, Institute of Biochemistry, Center for Preventive Doping Research, German Sports University Cologne
  • Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport,
  • Christian Baumgartner, former IWF Executive Member, President of the German Weightlifting Federation
  • Tom Goegebuer, Athlete Representative, triple Olympian & Belgian Weightlifting Federation President;

As Advisors, the IWF Clean Sport Commission will be complemented by:

  • Andrew Ryan, Executive Director, representing the Association of Summer Olympic International Federations (ASOIF)

Ex Officio:

  • Representative of the IWF Anti-Doping Commission

The first meeting of the IWF Clean Sport Commission will be held on 11-12 September 2017 and the Commission will submit its first report to the Executive Board at its next meeting in Bucharest, ROU on 30 September – 1 October 2017.