The IWF reports that as a consequence of the International Olympic Committee’s re-analysis program in connection with the 2012 London Olympic Games, the urine sample of the following Athlete has returned Adverse Analytical Finding:
· Mr Endri Karina (ALB) – metabolites of Dehydrochlormethyltestosterone metabolites (S1.1a Exogenous Anabolic Androgenic Steroids)
In line with the respective rules, the IWF imposed mandatory provisional suspensions on the Athlete.
The International Olympic Committee is responsible to decide about any consequences relating to the Athletes’ participation in the 2012 London Olympic Games. In all cases where it is determined that an Anti-Doping Rule Violation was committed, the responsibility to conduct results management will be transferred to the IWF in terms of consequences extending beyond the Athletes’ Olympic Games participation.
The IWF will not make any further comments on the case until they are closed.