Significant Changes Between the 2009 Code And the 2015 Code, Version 4.0

During the 2015 Code consultation process, 315 separate submissions were received. The submissions recommended a total of 3,987 changes to the Code. In addition, the Code Drafting Team engaged in dozens of face-to-face and telephonic meetings with stakeholders to discuss the Code.

Version 4.0 is the fourth published version of the 2015 Code. In between the published versions, more than 50 different working drafts were considered. In some cases, changes from the 2009 Code were made in an early published version and then changed back in a later version based on continuing stakeholder feedback (for example, the initial proposals to eliminate the B Sample and to change the criteria for adding a substance or method to the Prohibited List). In several other cases, changes were made to make the Code language consistent with the legal opinion on Code enforceability provided by Judge Jean-Paul Costa, the former President of the European Court of Human Rights.

As was the case with the 2003 and 2009 Codes, stakeholder input was invaluable in making Version 4.0 of the 2015 Code a more clear and effective document. This input has resulted in 2,269 changes between the 2009 Code and Version 4.0 of the 2015 Code. All of these changes are reflected in the document, “Version 4.0 2015 Code redlined to 2009 Code,” which is posted on WADA’s website. This document provides an overview of those changes organized into seven general themes, including the key changes related to each theme.

Check out the document here