On 17-18 June the Japan Anti-Doping Agency and IWF greet the Athletes and the Officials of the participating countries of the 2017 IWF JWC together at their Anti-Doping Outreach. Those wishing to either deepen or test their knowledge of Anti-Doping are equally welcome. The IWF AD quiz is available at the booth in five languages […]
A new ‘Report Doping’ tab was introduced under Anti-Doping on the website. In its aim to further enhance the fight against doping, the IWF is providing this additional opportunity for reporting any possible weightlifting-related violations of the current Anti-Doping Rules. The IWF assures that the information provided will be treated in accordance with the applicable […]
Report illustrates doping offences committed in global sport during 2015 2015 Anti-Doping Rule Violations Report illustrates the first set of Anti-Doping Rule Violation statistics under the revised World Anti-Doping Code Report highlights 1,929 Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRVs) in 2015, involving individuals from 122 nationalities and across 85 sports 1,649 ADRVs came from adverse analytical findings; […]
The IWF reports that the sample of Mr. DUDOGLO, Iurie (MDA) has returned an Adverse Analytical Finding for Dehydrochlormethyltestosterone (S1.1 Anabolic Agents). As a consequence, the Athlete is provisionally suspended in view of a potential anti-doping rule violation. In any case where it is determined that the athlete did not commit an anti-doping rule violation, […]
The IWF reports that the sample of Mr. SPAC, Alexandr (MDA) has returned an Adverse Analytical Finding for Dehydrochlormethyltestosterone (S1.1 Anabolic Agents). As a consequence, the Athlete is provisionally suspended in view of a potential anti-doping rule violation. In any case where it is determined that the athlete did not commit an anti-doping rule violation, […]