The IWF has decided to bring forward the Atypical Finding of Mr. Rempelis Konstantinos (GRE) for Clenbuterol (S1.2 Other Anabolic Agents) as an Adverse Analytical Finding. As a consequence, the Athlete is provisionally suspended with effect from 1 March 2021 in view of a potential anti-doping rule violation. In any case where it is determined that the Athlete did […]
The post PUBLIC DISCLOSURE appeared first on International Weightlifting Federation.
IWF reports that sample no. 2488113 collected from Ms. Shaimaa Gamal Maged (EGY) has returned an Adverse Analytical Finding metandienone (S1.1 Anabolic Androgenic Steroids). As a consequence, the Athlete is provisionally suspended with effect from 17 February 2021. The IWF will not make any further comments on the case until it is closed.
The post PUBLIC DISCLOSURE appeared first on International Weightlifting Federation.
IWF reports that sample no. 2488114 collected from Ms. Sara Abdelrahman (EGY) has returned an Adverse Analytical Finding metandienone (S1.1 Anabolic Androgenic Steroids). As a consequence, the Athlete is provisionally suspended with effect from 17 February 2021. The IWF will not make any further comments on the case until it is closed.
The post PUBLIC DISCLOSURE appeared first on International Weightlifting Federation.
IWF reports that sample no. 2488276 collected from Mr. Islam Ahmed Zain Mahmoud (EGY) has returned an Adverse Analytical Finding metandienone (S1.1 Anabolic Androgenic Steroids). As a consequence, the Athlete is provisionally suspended with effect from 17 February 2021. The IWF will not make any further comments on the case until it is closed.
The post PUBLIC DISCLOSURE appeared first on International Weightlifting Federation.
IWF reports that Mr, Ángel José LUNA MARÍN (VEN) has returned an Adverse Analytical Finding for Boldenone and its metabolite (S1.1 Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS)). As a consequence, the Athlete is provisionally suspended in view of a potential anti-doping rule violation. In any case where it is determined that the Athlete did not commit an anti-doping rule violation, the relevant […]
The post PUBLIC DISCLOSURE appeared first on International Weightlifting Federation.