International Weightlifting Federation — Anti-doping news RSS

WADA to offer smartphone App for athlete “whereabouts” reporting

Mobility of new App facilitates athletes’ submission of whereabouts details and update notifications. In an ongoing effort to support athletes and doping-free sport, WADA will introduce a free whereabouts App for smartphones in the third quarter of 2013. The new App is an extension of WADA’s whereabouts module (ADAMS), and will be available to more […]

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WADA statement on substance AOD-9604

Following a number of inquiries regarding the substance AOD-9604 available on the Internet ‘black market’ and possibly elsewhere, WADA has issued the following statement: AOD-9604 is a substance still under pre-clinical and clinical development and has not been approved for therapeutic use by any government health authority in the world. Therefore, under the 2013 Prohibited […]

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It has come to WADA’s attention that the black market substance GW501516 is being sold to and used by some athletes. The side effect of this chemical compound is so serious that WADA is taking the rare step of warning “cheats” to ensure that there is complete awareness of the possible health risks to athletes […]

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IOC disqualifies Russian weightlifter from Athens 2004 following further analysis of stored samples

IOC disqualifies Russian weightlifter from Athens 2004 following further analysis of stored samples The Executive Board (EB) of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) today announced that it has disqualified Russian weightlifter Oleg Perepetchenov from the Athens 2004 Olympic Games after further analysis of his stored sample resulted in an adverse analytical finding. Perepetchenov finished third […]

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