International Weightlifting Federation — Historical Advancement RSS


The organization’s new name is “Internationaler Amateur-Weltverband für Schwerathletik“. Five bodyweight categories are approved: 60 kg – Featherweight, 67.5 kg – Lightweight, 75 kg – Middleweight, 82.5 kg – Lightheavyweight, over 82.5 kg – Heavyweight.

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A barbell with discs (20, 15, 10, 5, 2.5 and 1.25 kg) and a revolving bar is introduced by the company Kaspar Berg.

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Foundation of the „Amateur-Athleten-Weltunion“, predecessor of the IWF, with responsibility for weightlifting and wrestling. Three body weight categories are realised: 70 kg Lightweight, 80 kg Middleweight and over 80 kg Heavy-weight. Four exercises have to form the program in international competitions: right- and left-hand snatch, two-hand press and two-hand clean & jerk.

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Weightlifting is in the program of the first Olympic Games of the modern times. One-hand snatch and two-hand clean and jerk formed the program for six athletes from five countries.

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