International Weightlifting Federation — Historical Advancement RSS


The first international women tournament took place with 23 athletes from five countries.

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IWF Executive Board Meeting, Herzogenaurach

It was unanimously agreed that any lifter caught in Los Angeles at the Olympic Games on the use of doping should be suspended for life. 27th July, IWF Congress, Los Angeles: For the team classification 16-14-13-12-11-10-9- 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 points are distributed for the 1st to 15th place.

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The first “Barbell-Summit” with the companies manufacturing the weightlifting barbells took place. The IWF used its right to issue licenses and to specify the kind of equipment at important international competitions.

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By Charlie Froggatt on 2011-11-01

The “Special Methodical Commission”, created provisionally in 1977, found the official recognition in the Constitution as “Scientific and Research Committee”. 6th November, Melbourne: Foundation of the “Oceania Weightlifting Federation”.

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