WADA CoachTrue Anti-Doping education program

CoachTrue is a computer-based, anti-doping learning tool aimed at sports coaches of elite and recreational athletes worldwide, and WADA has closely monitored its uptake since it was first introduced two years ago.

WADA’s Education Department has contacted all stakeholders and provided feedback on the continuing success of its award-winning electronic CoachTrue program.

National Anti-Doping Organizations, Regional Anti-Doping Organizations and International Federations – including the umbrella organizations – were given a report based on their respective sport, or an overall report for sports within their particular country.

“We have been delighted with the success of CoachTrue to date, and our records show that 1,302 coaches have so far used the tool,” said WADA Director of Education and Program Development, Rob Koehler.

“These coaches come from 141 countries and from 70 different sports, which goes to show how popular it has been across the world, and how it meets the needs of coaches from all sports.

“WADA will continue to promote CoachTrue so that stakeholders continue to encourage their coaches to enroll. In the absence of face-to-face training programs, CoachTrue is the next best thing.”

CoachTrue won awards from the International E-Learning Association and the International Academy of Visual Arts, and is based on five elements: pre-test, tutorials, scenario-based activities, ‘Who Wants to Play True’, and post test and certification.

It covers a wide range of anti-doping activities and topics in order to cater to the various learning styles and demanding schedule of coaches. It also has separate platforms for elite-level coaches and coaches at the recreational level.

Click here to access Coach True.


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