WADA Partnership

The International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) has entered into a Partnership to Quality program with The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).  Mr. Tim Ricketts, Director, Standards and Harmonization, Mr. Stuart Kemp, Deputy Director, Standards and Harmonization and Ms. Natalie Mills International Federation Relations Manager visited the IWF’s Budapest office for a 2 day meeting on 3rd and 4th February 2016, the visit involved discussions on key points of the partnership, reviewing the practices of the IWF’s current anti-doping programs and defining possible areas of enhancement as well as identifying good practices that could be shared with other International Federations.

Dr. Schamasch, IWF Anti-Doping Commission Chairman said that “the meeting was very fruitful and the IWF is delighted to strengthen the collaboration between the two organisations.”