WADA Symposium in Lausanne

More than 470 anti-doping experts from IFs, NADOs, RADOs, Laboratories, Major Games Organisers, WADA and first time Media representatives met in Lausanne, Switzerland from March 24-26 for the 11th edition of WADA’s annual Symposium for Anti-Doping Organizations (ADOs) – the largest annual gathering of anti-doping practitioners.

The goal of the Symposium was to optimize the Practice of the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code.

This was a perfect opportunity also for the IWF representatives (Dr. Patrick Schamasch, IWF Anti-Doping Commission Chairman, Dr. Magdolna Trombitás, Legal counsel, Ms. Melody Exhenry, Administrative Assistant) to get together with the Anti-Doping Community and discuss the experiences regarding the new IWF Anti-Doping Policy which entered into force on the 1st January 2015 and which has a clear focus on protecting the clean athletes.

For the first time in the history of the WADA Symposium the representatives of the Laboratories and Media were also invited and this enable the anti-doping community to discuss a wider range of issues connected to Anti-Doping.

The IWF is enlightened to announce that also a random Anti-Doping Commission meeting took place during the aforementioned Event.

The Symposium provided practical workshops and training sessions related to education, testing, intelligence and investigations, the Athlete Biological Passport, results management, therapeutic use exemptions, ADAMS, and other key areas of the fight for clean sport.

For more news related to the Symposium click on the following links:

WADA ADO Symposium

WADA / Optimize World Anti-Doping