AMIR MOHRA scored a goal he is never going to forget for BFC Tur Abdin 1983 against SV Bucholz in the eighth division of German football.
Mohra bears down on goal and fires a rocket from outside the box that smashes back off the crossbar and lands right on Mohra’s sweet left foot.

The ball screeches in to the top right hand corner with keeper having no chance of saving the ball as Mohra and his team mates wheel away in celebration.
Its a goal that any player playing in the Bundesliga would be proud of not so much the SV Bucholz goalkeeper.
Not much else is known about the division or the two sides playing but there is no doubt that there wont be many better goals than that.
It certainly is crossbar challenge taken to a whole new level with some fantastic technical ability on display.
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The video has gone viral as the goal from Berlin does its rounds over the internet proving that no matter what level your playing at make sure someone has a camera at hand just in case you produce something a little special.
You would think that a goal like this would have settled matters and Tur Abdin went on to win the game unfortunately for Mohra and his side they lost 7-2.
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