Photo: Andy McCandlishAs a chilly breeze replaces the warm summer air, the inclination to ride naturally begins to ebb. Here are 16 ways to keep your cycling motivation through autumn and into winter
With winter well and truly upon us, and Christmas getting ever closer, we look back at Rob Hoyles's epic day in the saddle when he and two friends attempted to do their longest ever ride on one of the shortest days of the year
- Winter solstice is on Thursday, December 21 2017Finding the motivation to get out and do big winter cycling miles when it's freezing cold outside isn't always easy. So, how about really ramping up those hard yards and challenging yourself to your longest ever ride this winter?
With winter here, many people are turning to their turbo trainers to keep fit and build form for the coming racing and sportive season The boredom of the turbo-trainer is the cyclist’s annual test of motivation: here's how to both enjoy indoor training and maximise your potential for a successful 2014
Winter riding can be unpleasant at the best of times, so the last thing you want to be doing is making it even worse by not kitting yourself and your bike up properly. Here are our worst kit mistakes to avoid at all costs Winter cycling can be unpleasant for a whole load of reasons. One of the easiest ways to make it a little more enjoyable is to select the right winter kit