VeloNews Show: Quintana and Landa get passive-aggressive

Editor’s note: This VeloNews Show includes images from, Flickr Creative Commons, YouTube/Eyes Ayes, YouTube/CrunchGamer1, YouTube/Le Tour de France, YouTube/CycloWired, Twitter/Tour de France.

The 2018 season hasn’t even started and there are already questions about who’s the man of the house at Movistar. Nairo Quintana and Mikel Landa have been trading some passive-aggressive words in the media ahead of team camp. What are they really saying? And, is there any way the two can cohabitate?

Plus, we have critical analysis of Chris Froome’s major sprint victory in the -cough- Tour de France’s Shanghai Criterium. Although the four-time Tour champ couldn’t overcome Marcel Kittel in an arm-wrestling match, he miraculously beat him in a flat sprint finish. Isn’t that a bit odd?

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