A stain on France: police brutality against football fans has become systemic

Paris police attacks on Liverpool fans at the Champions League final was yet another example of the hosts’ big game failures

Uefa’s report on last season’s Champions League final is impressively uncompromising. It was, it said, “through no merit of those in charge” that another Hillsborough was avoided. “The Préfecture de Police were in effect acting unilaterally to direct supporters toward an entry point that would be unable to cope with the level of demand placed upon it … several key stakeholders have not accepted responsibility for their own failures but have been quick to attribute blame to others.”

The report is thorough and unsparing in criticising Uefa and the French authorities. There were supplementary factors, such as the rail strike, problems with scanning tickets and attacks by locals but, fundamentally, this was a colossal failure of crowd management. What is so infuriating is that so much of what happened was predictable to anybody who has been to a match in France.

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