Britbet will finally give racing a vital toe-hold in betting market

The line that Britbet is “by racing and for racing” might just strike a chord with some punters at least

Goodbye, Nanny. Hello, Britbet. It will take some getting used to when the Tote disappears from the vast majority of racecourse betting windows from mid-July. The Tote has been a fixture on British tracks since 1928, when Stanley Baldwin’s racehorse-owning chancellor of the exchequer, a certain Winston Churchill, persuaded the prime minister to set up a government-owned betting business. Britbet, the Tote’s in-house replacement on 54 tracks, has historic boots to fill.

Related: Tote to disappear from most British racecourses as Betfred monopoly ends

Catterick 2.00 Jaunty Flyer 2.35 The Dawn Man 3.05 Sharp Response (nap) 3.35 Monfass
4.05 Boric 4.35 Justadreamyeken

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