This is my first "fix" on my 2015 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon. What I find interesting is this was my first "fix" on my 2014 Sahara too. Am I doing something wrong? Or is this normal? Did I use too much blinker fluid or not enough? :D
Replacing your own bulbs is pretty simple and takes about five minutes. However, if you have any sort of head light cover make sure you are careful when removing the four screws. There are spacers that could fall off and bounce onto your garage floor. I forgot about them and spent another ten minutes looking for them after two had bounced around on my garage floor.
Once the screws are removed, you just pull the whole tail light from the Wrangler. Then remove the bulb from the housing by turning counter clockwise a fourth of a revolution. Gently remove the bulb. Apparently it's okay to touch the bulb. They don't get that hot and the oil from your fingertips don't affect them.
Before you put it all back together I suggest you test it out to make sure the blinker and brake lights work.
Easy Peasy!