Davis Cup dancing, a Pukki party and the Malice at the Palace | Classic YouTube

This weeks round-up also features LeBron James, snooker memories and a Chelsea youngster with an eye for goal

1) Fights on and off the field have dominated the recent sporting landscape, and while commentators might tell you nobody wants to see that, Classic YouTube begs to differ. Lets start, appropriately enough, with gridiron. Kyle Turley may have notched a couple of Pro Bowl call-ups but he is undoubtedly best remembered for tossing Damien Robinsons helmet across the turf after a dust-up. At college level, mass brawls do not get much feistier than Florida International v University of Miami in 2006, featuring flying helmets, body slams and even a rogue crutch.

Cycling offers different foreign objects to scrap with. As does cricket. Baseball also has a strong history of bench-clearing scraps, all the way back to 1965. The Bundesliga recently saw this fracas between Freiburg and Frankfurt. Basketball might have the Malice at the Palace and Georgetown Hoyas v Bayi Rockets, but nothing comes close to a tear-up in the NHL:

KING JAMES ON THE ATTACK! @Lakers | #LakeShow pic.twitter.com/5Ruo77u5oq

Spain training = Rodri x Thiago pic.twitter.com/LPtUaOcvcs

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