Fans pay price for anticlimax of Joshua versus stand-in Takam | Kevin Mitchell

When the replacement for injured Kubrat Pulev was announced for Cardiff world heavyweight fight he must have been the most Googled boxer in the business

Carlos Takam, a heavyweight contender of towering anonymity, will be excited and no doubt surprised to be a pay-per-view star in Cardiff on Saturday week when he steps in as a replacement challenger for the world titles held by Anthony Joshua.

Equally put out of their stride will be those boxing fans who had paid upfront to watch the unbeaten Joshua, the sport’s No1 attraction, put his WBA and IBF belts on the line against the more credible Kubrat Pulev, who withdrew on Monday with a shoulder injury. And Pulev, the Bulgarian veteran with a passable CV, was no great attraction in the first place.

Related: Anthony Joshua to fight Carlos Takam after Kubrat Pulev is forced to withdraw

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