Fifa’s ‘new broom’ Gianni Infantino not exactly sweeping up the mess | Marina Hyde

As world football’s governing body prepares for its congress in Bahrain, it is timely to ask whether there has ever been a new broom quite as useless as the old one or less equal to the task of clean-up

Can it really be only 14 months since Fifa’s new broom, Gianni Infantino, took office at world football’s governing body – and a mere 11 since he told the world “I can officially inform you the crisis is over”? Next week’s Fifa congress is in Bahrain (but of course), and Infantino approaches it reportedly on the brink of his second personal ethics investigation since ascending to the presidency. His second! One has to admire his ethics ethic.

Then again, there are strong rumours – denied at present – that Infantino will use the congress to push for the replacement of Fifa’s ethics chiefs Hans‑Joachim Eckert and Cornel Borbély; a development which, it is suggested, would prompt a two-year hiatus in ongoing investigations, as the new appointees would be given that sort of timeframe to get on top of their briefs. Say what you like about Fifa, it’s a very understanding place to work.

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