For PSG this final defeat signals a dream not ended but deferred | Jonathan Wilson

Bayern Munich prevented all-out victory for sportswashing but PSG, with the Qatari state behind them, are not going away

Football, or that part of it that professes to have a conscience, breathed a huge sigh of relief but as it did so, some still small voice perhaps niggled. The only goal of the Champions League final was scored by Kingsley Coman, a player convicted in 2017 of twice assaulting the mother of his child.

The game was won by Bayern Munich, the swaggering superclub whose eight straight league titles means they have won more Bundesligas than the rest of Germany put together. Since 2011, they have regularly trained in Qatar, an emirate with a highly questionable human rights record, and in 2018 they signed a sponsorship deal with its state-owned airline. And somehow, their win represented a victory for the good guys.

Related: Thomas Müller shows PSG's A-list attacking unit how to be a winner | Barney Ronay

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