Gareth Southgate the statesman can inspire golfers and politicians alike | Kevin Mitchell

The England manager leads and supports his players with few words and integrity – virtues that are lacking elsewhere, from the golf course to Westminster

Everyone loves Matt “Kooch” Kuchar, right? The American golfer has cherry‑cheeked and boy-smiled his way around the great courses of the world for years, the affectionate hooting of his fans a harmless counterpoint to the sometimes po-faced mien of the sport.

Except “Kooch” is no innocent schoolboy. He is 40 years old and as tough a customer as there is in golf. At the World Match Play in Texas on Saturday, he got properly hard.

Related: Gareth Southgate shows Montenegro how to react but what will Uefa do? | Daniel Taylor

Related: Raheem Sterling is a better player but is still the man the media criticised | Eni Aluko

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