Infuriating England can rise as quickly as Mike Gatting’s Invincibles fell | Vic Marks

The 30th anniversary of England’s all-conquering Ashes tour and the side’s rapid descent into disarray is a reminder of how fast fortunes can change in cricket

For all the sixes and the promises of a brave new dynamic world, England’s Asian expedition has not suggested much progress; nor has it produced many wins. Before Christmas there was victory in the ODIs against Bangladesh followed by a drawn Test series, which produced the most captivating contests of the winter.

In India, after an encouraging first Test in Rajkot there were four defeats of increasing inevitability. Then in January England lost the ODI series even though their lowest score in three games was 321 for eight in Kolkota, where they won; this must be some sort of a record. Finally they imploded in the T20 series, losing eight wickets for eight runs in the last, decisive game in Bengaluru on Wednesday. England are starting to resemble the golfer who can hit the ball 350 yards off the tee before finishing the hole with a bogey: they are fun to watch and infuriating. And they don’t quite know how to win.

Related: England’s whirlwind white-ball tour of India tantalises despite clear frustration | Barney Ronay

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