'It's in my blood': how rugby managed to unite America's elite

When Wales play South Africa at RFK Stadium in Washington on Saturday, a few well-known faces could be in the crowd

When Candace Gingrich met Bill Clinton in 1996, half-brother Newt was two years into a political war with the White House. At a fundraising event, the president worked his way down a line of guests. When he got to the young Human Rights Campaign staffer with the Republican House Speaker for a relative, he got a welcome surprise.

Related: HR McMaster on rugby: 'The warrior ethos is what a good team has'

George W. Bush plays a little dirty rugby for Yale in 1966 pic.twitter.com/R1uPDXz4AB

You play rugby for yourself … but you also play for the other people with you and that carries on off the field

The beauty of rugby is that it’s so irreverent. You learn to accept other people for who they are

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