Jack Wilshere weaves his magic to help keep Wenger era alive at Arsenal | Paul MacInnes

Midfielder led by example in a game which produced a 3-1 win over Milan which was not as simple as the scoreline suggested

There was a bit of a debate going on before this match. Hey, this is Arsenal we’re talking about after all. Anyway, the theme this time was whether the Milan match was something of a hiding to nothing for the Gunners. Win it and they earn no congratulation, lose and it’s not worth contemplating. Would the fans care? Would they even turn up?

Perhaps in the hope of sweetening the deal, the club put on a light show before kick-off. It was pretty good. The main floodlights rippled on and off in a limited impersonation of the Beijing Bird’s Nest. The advertising hoardings took on an eerie glow, like they were about to suck you into a corporate vortex. And there, in the stands, were the fans. They had turned out in force.

Related: Danny Welbeck double eases Arsenal past Milan and into quarter-finals

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