My Rubicon is my daily driver. I still have several years of payments. And I am not very good at mechanical fixer' up problems.

I arrived early Saturday to a parking lot full of Jeeps from all over. I selected to wheel green and blue trails. For me that was very exciting to move up to the next level.

My group, Group 2, was led by a very experienced Jeeper, so I was not worried about having a great spotter to help me over the rocks.
I lined up behind the other Jeepers in my group. I was smack dab in the middle of the group. As time grew near to head out, I ended up being the tail gunner. We had three stock Jeeps in our group who had never wheeled before.

Being tail gunner I was pretty much on my own. I have done that before, but this time was a little different.
We were wheeling on blue trails. Blue trails are the next level up from green. My Jeep Wrangler is more than capable of blue trails, it's myself that lacks the confidence.

I am happy to say, I came out of the days ride without any breakage. Plus, and a whole new level of confidence. I wheeled Blue 23 all by myself with NO spotting what so ever. I rocked it!
I attribute that success to my training. I am a very lucky wheeler to have had training from four, yes count them four, I4WDT certified trainers. My first ever experience off road was with Kyle from Off-Road Consulting. His expertise and knowledge was just what I needed for a great foundation for off roading.
Then just this past Spring I took a training class with Northeast Off-Road Driving School. Even after three years of wheeling, Scott and Jon gave me more techniques to use on the trails.

Then of course there is Charlene Bower with Ladies OffRoad Network, who also shared some great wheeling techniques with me. But most importantly she gave me the most important words of wisdom I could have out on the trails. My new Motto ~~ I've Got This.

I can't forget our trail guide who never wavered in his confidence in my ability, telling me I was a pro.
So I just need to remember next time ~~ I've got this!