Martin Solveig says he is ‘especially’ respectful with women. What a twerk | Marina Hyde

After his embarrassing question to Ada Hegerberg marred Monday’s Ballon d’Or ceremony in Paris, the French DJ didn’t pass up the chance to keep on digging

Enormous commiserations to French DJ Martin Solveig, the latest person to be filmed doing something in public that apparently doesn’t reflect who he is. The this-is-not-who-I-am defence gets a lot of run-outs these days, as cameraphones catch non-racist people being racist on buses, non-homophobic people screaming abuse at gay people outside a nightclub, or any of the other variants that increasingly adorn the age. The point is: this is not who they are.

Very occasionally, the person saying the thing is saying it on a stage, in front of a large audience and multiple television cameras, and is deploying remarks they have worked out in advance. But this, too, is not who those people are.

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Solveig apologised “to anyone who may have been offended”, which as everyone knows is the boilerplate non-apology

Related: Ada Hegerberg stepped forward for women’s football, but sexism kicked her back | Suzanne Wrack

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