Never underestimate how hard it is to win – and manage in – the Premier League | Paul Wilson

After a rough week for Pep Guardiola, if it is any consolation, he is far from alone in the Premier League in letting standards slip

The image of Pep Guardiola with his head in his hands contemplating Manchester City’s Champions League exit from a seat in the Colin Bell stand is likely to be an enduring one. This, the unwritten caption will say, is what England can do to the world’s finest coaching talent.

To be strictly accurate it was not English football’s fault that Guardiola lost it so completely at the end of the first half against Liverpool, it was more a combination of Martin Atkinson and the Spanish referee Antonio Mateu Lahoz.

Related: The bald fact for Pep Guardiola is rivals wised up to Manchester City | Barney Ronay

However bad Guardiola feels at the moment he at least has one trophy in the bag

Related: City’s best shot at ruling Europe implodes in self-immolating fury | Barney Ronay

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