Spurs fans should fear four years of Mourinho’s small-minded cynicism | Jonathan Liew

Desperate negativity of his approach to playing Liverpool at home is José Mourinho’s management style in microcosm

Champions aren’t flawless. It’s just that you only glimpse their flaws for a fleeting instant – a shadow you think you saw in the mirror – before they are gone.

For around half an hour on Saturday evening, Liverpool looked flawed. Roared on by a capacity crowd, Tottenham slung themselves forward in waves: attacking the spaces, pinging crosses across the box, getting shots away. The substitutes Giovani Lo Celso and Érik Lamela grabbed control of the game in the middle third, often by sheer force of will alone. The irrepressible Lucas Moura scrapped and slalomed his way into threatening positions. Big chances came and went.

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