Super League’s falling giants Leeds Rhinos have that sinking feeling | Aaron Bower

Hull KR’s win over Hull left the club who once dominated Super League contemplating the unthinkable

In 1974 Manchester United – six years on from winning the European Cup – were said to be too good to go down, a statement of hubris that turned out to be wildly wrongheaded. Folk from Leeds and Manchester are not too fond of being compared but 45 years on, across the other side of the Pennines, another sporting dynasty is likewise in grave danger of enduring the unthinkable.

Leeds Rhinos, Super League champions eight times in 14 seasons between 2004 and 2017, are bottom of the table with 10 games remaining and at serious risk of relegation. “We’ve got a 10‑game shootout with a number of other teams,” admits their interim coach, Richard Agar. How has it come to this for the most successful club of the game’s summer era?

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