Talking Horses: BHA must respond over trainer's doping suspension

The Newmarket-based Ismail Mohammed has been suspended from endurance racing for two years by the FEI

Readers may be surprised to learn that bans imposed on people by one horsey sport are not automatically reciprocated by others. Whether this situation should be allowed to continue has become a pressing one for the British Horseracing Authority, following the news that Ismail Mohammed, a trainer based in Newmarket, has been suspended from endurance racing for two years over a doping offence involving testosterone.

In a decision reached last month by the International Equestrian Federation (FEI), Mohammed was disciplined, along with one other, for a positive test taken from the horse Shaddad at an event in Suffolk last year. The test found 35 nanograms of the anabolic steroid per millilitre of urine taken from the horse, compared to the FEI’s threshold of 20ng. The FEI described testosterone as “one of the most old-school anabolic steroids, which was known to be used in the build-up period for competitions in Endurance”.

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