Talking Horses: Gay Kelleway claims trainers are running lame horses

The trainer has made a strongly worded call for more pre-race checks of horses and accused colleagues of sending racehorses to the track which are not fit to race

Gay Kelleway has made a strongly worded call for more pre-race checks of racehorses and accused some of her colleagues of sending horses to the track which are not fit to race. The veteran Newmarket trainer, known for being outspoken, is at odds on this subject with many of her rivals, who insist that trainers can be trusted to send only sound horses to the races.

“There’s a lot of horses running with injuries before they start,” Kelleway said. “We’ve got to start being a bit stricter. I’m sick of it.

Related: Talking Horses: picking the five best races of the last decade

The whip is a fair point but those in authority must stop horses lame before a race participating and that comes from bigger stables .. I myself will be working for racehorses welfare this year at the racecourse with video evidence to back up my statements

Musselburgh 12.20 Whiteoak Fleur 12.50 Dahills Hill 1.20 Tabou Beach Boy (nb) 1.55 Fourth Of July 2.25 Chanceanotherfive 3.00 Irish Roe 3.35 Blueskyandsunshine 

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