Talking Horses: Levy Board races to rescue with £22m support package

Levy Board’s and Racing Foundation’s combined fund includes £13.5m for racecourses and £8m for the sport’s participants

The Levy Board and the Racing Foundation, which received the proceeds of the £265m sale of the Tote in 2011, have agreed a £22m package of support for British racing during the coronavirus crisis.

The Levy Board’s contribution to the fund will focus on assisting racecourses through what is an indefinite suspension of racing, while the Racing Foundation’s funds will be directed towards immediate hardship for participants, both human and equine, arising as a result of the lockdown.

Related: Talking Horses: 'lost generation' of thousand horses in lockdown limbo

5.45 Liverbird Star 6.15 Full Power 6.45 Jade Fortune (nap) 7.15 Clear Choice (nb) 8.05 Super Power Man 8.40 Team Power 9.10 Eternal Harvest 9.40 Elite Patch 10.15 Gunnison 10.50 Mighty Giant

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