Now that some off-course bookmakers have ditched pre-race betting shows from the track, the starting price mechanism will be debated once more
Significant change appears to be in the offing for that grand old feature of horse racing, the Starting Price, which has hitherto been derived only from the prices offered by racecourse bookmakers. Its future has been under debate for many a year and is once more a hot topic, following the recent decisions by William Hill and Paddy Power/Betfair to trade their own prices online right up to the ‘off’, instead of taking betting shows from the track for the last 10 minutes before a race.
Related: Talking Horses: course bookmakers suggest child-exclusion zones
Leicester 1.45 Imperial Alcazar 2.15 Pistol Whipped (nb) 2.45 Ballyellis 3.15 Miah
Grace 3.45 Prairie Town 4.15 Sabbathical