US election may decide if Trump's Turnberry can become Open host | Ewan Murray

Remote but iconic Ayrshire course has been sidelined but a change in the White House could boost championship claims

How does golf explain Donald Trump? The truth is, it hasn’t really had to in the four years since he was elected as the 45th president of the United States. This may be Trump’s sport of choice and, yes, his courting of high-profile players has created the odd ripple, but golf managed to navigate itself to the position whereby tawdry episodes have largely been avoided. A World Golf Championship, once held at Trump-owned Doral in Miami, seamlessly shifted to Mexico City in 2017.

At this point, it hardly seems harebrained to predict a Trump election defeat in 2020. Somewhere, if admittedly not anywhere near the summit, in the pile of subplots to such an outcome, golf must feature. If Joe Biden takes his place in the White House, he has promised to “reassess” his country’s relationship with Saudi Arabia.

Related: New Trump golf course provokes fury in Scotland

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