Wild Boar Grab Handle Install

I am such a Nervous Nellie!

When I wheel, especially on those off camber or steep down hill inclines, I tend to tense up.  I am constantly holding onto something in my Jeep. Mostly the center console. Like that will prevent me from tipping over. Yes I know... Two hands on the wheel, but sometimes my fear takes over.

I have seen many Jeepers with these "Oh Shit" handles. I thought I would give them a try. They look super easy to install. Well, Chris from Chris' Corner on You Tube makes it look real easy.


Simple and Easy, or so it looks. There are two stand off's for each handle. You insert the bolt through the handle into the stand off. Then you line up the bolt with the holes on the A pillar. Easy right?! 

Wild Boar Grab Handles - JKU

I was having one heck of a time trying to line up the bolt just right to go into the existing A pillar holes. Finally after two hours, of jiggling, maneuvering, manipulating the bolts, swearing and screaming, I was able to get the bolts lined up, and in the holes. Then with a couple of spins of the rachet screwdriver, I tighten them up, and they were ready to go.

I don't know how Chris in the install video was able to line up the bolts so easily. Maybe it's a guy thing. Even though I had a difficult time lining up the bolts, these grab handles are tough and sturdy, that's for sure. A great buy at $28 for the pair.