Hot Takedown Tackles Race In The NFL, Plus NHL And NBA Playoffs


Welcome to the latest episode of Hot Takedown, FiveThirtyEight’s sports podcast. On this week’s show (May 2, 2017), we’re joined by Jane McManus to discuss the NFL’s racial divide and why many positions are so segregated. Next, ESPN’s Craig Custance helps us break down playoff hockey. As we’ve previously discussed, the Washington Capitals have been striving to build a Stanley Cup-worthy squad — so why has the team struggled in its series against the Pittsburgh Penguins? Finally, we bid a fond farewell to future Hall of Famer Paul Pierce. Plus, a significant digit on baseball.

  • Jane McManus and Jason Reid wrote about the NFL’s racial divide for The Undefeated.
  • You can follow Jane on Twitter for further insights.
  • FiveThirtyEight’s Neil Paine breaks down what Sidney Crosby’s concussion may mean for the Pittsburgh Penguins — and the Capitals.
  • The Undefeated’s Marc J. Spears says Paul Pierce will leave an imprint on the NBA.
  • Significant Digit: About an inch, which is the average amount that Major League Baseball’s new pitch-tracking system differs from reality. According to Rob Arthur’s recent piece for FiveThirtyEight, the error is affecting how we understand which pitchers are doing well this season.