The NFL And Colin Kaepernick Got What They Wanted From The Workout


Over the weekend, we saw another development in the saga between the NFL and Colin Kaepernick. After a dispute over liability waivers, Kaepernick moved the unconventional workout set up by NFL from the Atlanta Falcons’ practice facility to a high school 59 miles away. Representatives from 25 of the league’s 32 teams had committed to attending the original workout, but only eight made it to the secondary location. On today’s show, we wade into the debate over whether Kaepernick’s decision to move the practice indicates that he doesn’t actually want to play, we look at data on how he would likely perform in today’s NFL, and we discuss if this weekend’s events ultimately changed anything.

Mike Goodman of StatsBomb and the Double Pivot Podcast joins the show to discuss the English Premier League title race. Going into the season, we anticipated a two-horse race between the defending champion, Manchester City, and last year’s runner-up, Liverpool — yet a third of the way into the season, Liverpool has built a commanding lead. We dive into what to expect from the remainder of the season and discuss which other teams have a real chance at the title.

Our Rabbit Hole assesses the 2020 MLB Hall of Fame candidates and takes issue with a certain front-runner.

What we’re looking at this week:

Should Colin Kaepernick be on an NFL roster?