Aaron Rodgers Blasts Hot Take Sports Shows: TRAINA THOUGHTS

Packers QB Aaron Rogers rips hot take sports shows, clickbait

1. But how do you really feel, Aaron Rodgers?

The Packers star quarterback was the guest on Kyle Brandt's brand new podcast, 10 Questions With Kyle Brandt, and already made headlines for revealing how he turned to tequila to handle Draft night after Green Bay selected QB Jordan Love.

The full episode is now out and another highlight of the podcast was Rodgers unloading on hot take shows and how they operate.

After heaping praise on Brandt's NFL Network show, Good Morning Football, Rodgers went to town on opinion shows.

"What I laugh at and do not spend any time watching, but unfortunately, it's usually ESPN's on here, the [NFL] Network's on over there in our cafeteria, it's just four guys, four men or four women, however it shakes out, and everybody's trying to say the most outlandish thing possible to get the most click bait. And I've said it many times about click bait, is that my problem with putting ridiculous headlines on the story is that in this culture where the attention span is so short for so many people, even people probably listening to this interview or watching this who can't stay on the entire time because they have other things to do and other things to look at on their phone. 

All they're gonna read is eight words on ESPN's front page and that what these people are trying to get people to click on. If they get one second on that page, that counts as a page view. And the more page views you get the more ad revenue you get. 

And I think it's really low-class journalism. Some of the headlines that get put on some of these articles that have nothing to do with what's actually, content-wise, in the article. I think it's poor journalism. I think it's a total lack of integrity. I don't want to look at that and I won't want to listen to four people on some show yelling at each other about opinions, Do they really feel that way? Or are they trying to be the most outlandish opinion possible so they get the most views when it gets retweeted on Twitter or posted on a 10-second blurb on ESPN.com. I just think it's really done a disservice to the industry of journalism for sure."

Brandt pushed back by saying that a lot of the opinion shows are successful in terms of ratings, but Rodgers wasn't having it.

"It comes down to this. You are willing to sell out and not have any character to stand on then you kind get what  you deserve. If that's what it's all about to you, if your integrity is worth clicks or likes then that says a lot about you."

It's good to see that Rodgers gets the game that the hot take shows play and we love that he didn't hold back his feelings on the subject. Let's see if the hot take shows react.

The full episode of Brandt's interview with Rodgers is worth a listen.

Speaking of Kyle Brandt...

2. A brand new SI Media Podcast dropped this morning and the guest is ... Kyle Brandt.

We talked about his new podcast, how he booked Aaron Rodgers, the backstory on his interview with Rodgers, his frustrations with doing Good Morning Football from home, his feelings on The Office after watching it for the first time ever during quarantine, Hard Knocks and more. 

Kyle even threw a surprise at me and we played a mini version of 10 Questions With Kyle Brandt.

You can listen to the podcast below or download it on Apple, Spotify, Stitcher and Google Play.

3. On the podcast with Kyle, he talked about navigating a live, three-hour show this morning while have two kids at home. Yesterday was one of those days where the navigation had an issue.

Kyle wasn't alone in having a crasher yesterday. Urban Meyer had one, too–a shirtless one, no less–which caused the former coach to flip out.

4. If you want escapes from hearing about coronavirus, then last night's debut episode of Hard Knocks wasn't for you. If you don't mind hearing about coronavirus for an hour, then you probably enjoyed last night's Hard Knocks.

Personally, while the show HAD to show you how the Rams and Chargers were handling the new normal during a pandemic, it got to be too much for me. Give us 10 or 15 minutes on it and move on. Instead, about 45 of the 60 minutes was corona-related. 

However, if you stuck around until the very end, you caught the best scene of the entire episode.

5. Dame Lillard followed up his 51-point game on Sunday with a 61-point game last night. The on-court highlight was this RIDICULOUS 3-pointer that you need to watch in full speed and in slow mo

His off-court highlight was his postgame interview during which he said he didn't come to the bubble to waste his time.

6. RANDOM VIDEO OF THE DAY: This scene was discussed on the SI Media Podcast with Kyle Brandt when we were talking about the best Michael-Toby moments.

7. SPORTS VIDEO OF THE DAY: Aaron Rodgers. Not one, not two, but three insane Hail Marys.

Be sure to catch up on past editions of Traina Thoughts and check out the Sports Illustrated Media Podcast hosted by Jimmy Traina on Apple, Spotify or Stitcher. You can also follow Jimmy on Twitter and Instagram.