Bret Screwed Bret: Unchecked

Bret "The Hitman" Hart was more at fault for the infamous Montreal Screwjob than Vince McMahon, the WWE or Shawn Michaels.

The best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be...and a big baby. 

As everyone was reliving the infamous Montreal Screwjob on its 23rd anniversary, I couldn’t help but think, why are we supposed to feel sorry for Bret "The Hitman" Hart more than two decades later simply because he took himself too seriously?

Hart was leaving the company. At that point should he really get to dictate the terms? I didn’t know Falls Count Anywhere but Canada was a kind of match. Imagine if this happened in professional sports rather than professional wrestling. Let a star player refuse to enter a game or run a play and wait for the takes. Ask Scottie Pippen what people think about that 20 something years after The Last Dance.

I’m not saying it was all handled in the most respectful fashion by Vince McMahon. But um, he is Vince McMahon. And as far as Shawn Michaels? Bret should’ve known not to let him lock in that sharpshooter. He is the showstopper after all. 

However, ending aside, the real spit in the face here was from Hart in not conceding a loss. He refused to do his job. Look, I was a fan of the Excellence of Execution and he will forever be an all-time great, but what happened that night hurts his legacy more than it does that of Vince, HBK, or the WWE. 

So after all these years, ultimately what Mr. McMahon said was correct, Bret screwed Bret.