Dell Loy Hansen to Sell Real Salt Lake, Utah Royals Amid Investigation Into Racist Comments

Hansen took a leave of absence as the MLS and NWSL launched an investigation into a history of alleged racist comments by the owner.

Dell Loy Hansen, the owner of the Utah Royals FC, Real Salt Lake and Real Monarchs, will begin the process of selling his teams just days after he took a leave of absence as the MLS and NWSL launched an investigation into allegations that he used racist language.

"MLS will work with Mr. Hansen on supporting the sale efforts for the company and will work closely with the club’s executive staff to support the operations of the team during the transition period," MLS Commissioner Don Garber announced in a statement. "I want to acknowledge Dell Loy Hansen’s significant efforts to build the sport of soccer in the state of Utah and for his commitment to Major League Soccer."

Hansen said he felt "disrespected" after Real Salt Lake players chose not to play in Wednesday's scheduled game in protest of the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wis. 

"All I can say is they supported other issues nationally; they clearly did not support our city or our organization," Hansen said on Wednesday. "It’s a moment of sadness. It’s like somebody stabbed you and you’re trying to figure out a way to pull the knife out and move forward. That’s what it feels like. The disrespect is profound to me personally."

The Athletic's Christopher Kamrani, Sam Stejskal, Paul Tenorio and Meg Linehan detailed a history of allegations of racist remarks by Hansen.