In an 11-minute Instagram post, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson said he and his family are no longer contagious, though called the experience a "kick in the gut."
In an 11-minute video posted on Instagram, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson informed his followers that he, his wife Lauren and their two daughters tested positive for COVID-19.
Johnson says the family is no longer contagious, though he called the experience of recovering from the virus "one of the most challenging and difficult things we have ever had to endure as a family, and for me, personally, too as well.”

“Testing positive for COVID-19 is much different than overcoming nasty injuries, or being evicted, or being broke—which I have been more than a few times," Johnson said. "The reason why I feel like this is different is because my number one priority is to always protect my family, and protect my children…Some of my best friends have lost their parents, their loved ones, to this virus that is so incredibly relentless."
Johnson said his daughters had relatively mild symptoms, but he and Lauren "had a rough go," with more severe symptoms. He said the family contracted the virus after visiting with friends, and said he would take a more vigilant approach to maintaining safe contact with family and friends.
“I am extremely disciplined when it comes to health…Having your friends and family over, of course you want that because you want that connection and you want to be with people that you love," Johnson said. "My takeaway isn’t necessarily keep them away, but apply an even greater discipline to having people over to your house."