Election World and Sports World Collide for Some Excellent Content: TRAINA THOUGHTS

Election + Sports = Announcers calling states flipping, Woj bomb, Tapper vs. Tuberville

1. As I write this shortly after 9 a.m. on the East Coast, we are still awaiting official word on the presidential election.

John King is still wowing everyone while doing this thing at the CNN map and sadly, this is not real.

With the vote count dragging on, it's been impossible for the sports world to ignore the election and the turbulence surrounding it. 

For example, after Donald Trump begged for votes to not be counted, which led to a solid Woj bomb.

Yahoo Fantasy Sports even got in on mocking Trump's absurd request.

This creative individual had some fun with the moment Georgia swung from Trump to Joe Biden with the help of ESPN's Mike Breen.

And here's Doc Emrick calling the moment Pennsylvania flipped for Biden.

Lastly, former Auburn football head coach and current U.S. Senator-elect Tommy Tuberville joined Trump on trying to negate people's legal votes, but CNN's Jake Tapper set him straight.

2. While some of you might have been focused on following the election last night, we had a significant and historic moment take place on Fox during the Packers-Niners game.

For the first time ever that I can remember, Joe Buck finally acknowledged in a roundabout way the betting line, specifically the over/under.

Buck even gave a shoutout to Al Michaels, who always knows how to reference a line without directly referencing the line.

This was such a proud moment for me, someone who has begged Buck to acknowledge point spreads during his appearances on the SI Media Podcast.

3. We told you a couple of weeks ago that longtime sports writer, Bob Ryan, revealed that he had never heard of a Twix candy bar. We have an important update to that story.

4. It's a notable day in New York because WFAN's Joe Benigno, who went from caller to radio host for 25 years, is doing his last show before retirement. Here's a look back at the time other hosts at the station convinced Benigno that "flump" was a new baseball stat.

5. This week's SI Media Podcast features an interview with the legendary Paul Heyman. The podcast started with Heyman's questioning me when I asked how he was doing. He then ripped me for writing that Bobby Heenan is the greatest wrestling manager of all time. Then we got into Heyman's role as Roman Reigns's special counsel and how that partnership came to be. The podcast ended with Heyman sharing behind-the-scenes details and insight into his famous "pipe bomb" on Vince McMahon

You can listen to the podcast below or download it on Apple, Spotify, Stitcher and Google Play.

6. RANDOM VIDEO OF THE DAY: Bad job by me yesterday not acknowledging Bill Walton's 68th birthday. But I'm fixing that mistake now.

7. SPORTS VIDEO OF THE DAY: Sometimes, when you need some levity, it just makes sense to turn a video that has "Yakety Sax" added to it.

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