Last-Minute Sports Halloween Costume Ideas for 2020

Struggling to come up with a Halloween costume idea? We’re here to help.

With Halloween just a few days away, there’s a good chance you haven’t given any thought to a costume. That’s totally understandable. Nobody will be going to Halloween parties this year—at least they shouldn’t be—so there’s no pressing reason to get dressed up. Still, if you feel like putting on a costume—whether to attend a Zoom party, just to post on Instagram or merely because you feel like getting in the holiday spirit—it’s not too late to come up with a sports-themed idea. Here are a few that should be easy to pull off at the last minute.

The NBA (or WNBA, or NHL) bubble

Put on your favorite team’s jersey and cover your body in bubble wrap. Bingo, it’s just that easy. Just make sure you have some scissors handy to free yourself from your plastic casing afterwards.

Orange Cassidy

The AEW wrestler’s whole gimmick is that he doesn’t care about anything, which fits in with the minimal effort required to pull off a late costume idea. All you need is a pair of jeans, a denim jacket, white undershirt, pair of aviator sunglasses and a blasé attitude.

A young American soccer star

American men’s soccer players are enjoying something of a golden age right now, with a litany of young stars playing significant roles for some of Europe’s biggest clubs. You probably wanted to buy a Weston McKennie or Sergiño Dest jersey already—or maybe you already have one—so just throw that on with some shorts and a pair of high socks. There’s a better chance you already have a USWNT jersey on hand to dress as Alex Morgan or Megan Rapinoe.

Mike Nolan

The Cowboys defensive coordinator went viral this week after inadvertently rubbing hot sauce in his eye during a press conference. All you need to do to dress up like him is put on a long sleeve Cowboys shirt, rub some red coloring around your left eye and hold a bottle of Tabasco.

The 2020 NFC East

Are you a fan of the Giants, Cowboys, Eagles or Washington Football Team? Your favorite team’s gear might be a little painful to put on this season but you can turn it into a costume without too much trouble. Just root through your trash, pick out a few items, tape them to your shirt or jersey and boom—you’ve got a perfect representation of how the entire division has played like garbage this year.

Jon Gruden

Gruden was one of the coaches busted early in the NFL season for failing to abide by the league’s mask mandate and was issued a fine. He’s since worn a variety of face coverings, some more effective than others. The one he wore in Week 3 was especially bizarre. It shouldn’t be hard to replicate at home since it looks like Gruden just took a pair of scissors to an old shirt. And since you won’t be going to a party, it’s perfectly safe to wear a useless mask in your own home.

An MLB owner

With the baseball offseason upon us, it’s time to start thinking about another winter of hot stove action. But if the past few years are any indication, the offseason won’t be the kind of free-agent shopping spree fans get excited for. The guys who own baseball teams have had alligator arms for years, and they figure to be pinching pennies even more than usual this year after Rob Manfred said this week that MLB is at “historic levels of debt.” Dressing up like an owner is simple, then: Just wear a suit, but turn your pockets inside-out.

(Not enough choices here? Check out some more ideas from 2018.)