LeBron James Is the Most Valuable Player in NBA History: Unchecked

LeBron James now has more playoff wins than anyone ever proving no NBA player has ever been more valuable.

LeBron James has the most playoff wins because he does more to impact winning than anyone who has ever lived. 

Think about it like this, he’s got well over 1,000 more playoff points than the likes of Michael Jordan, Kareem Abdul Jabbar and Kobe Bryant yet people are constantly saying how scoring isn’t even his best skill. 

Well, that’s probably because he’s also the best passer I’ve ever seen and his ability to get others involved is just as dangerous as his ability to get his own, which has been good enough to put him third all time in playoff assists, and climbing, behind legendary point guards Magic Johnson and John Stockton. 

And then there’s a game like last night's Los Angeles Lakers win over the Houston Rockets, where his defense completely changed the tone as he made several game changing blocks—I feel like we’ve all seen that before—BLOCKED BY JAMES!

He also happens to be the postseason leader in steals. Again, he impacts the game in every way and oh yeah, he's second all time in playoff three pointers, and I don’t think shooting is the first thing anyone thinks of when it comes to the King. But that deep three is certainly in his bag as he’s mastered every aspect of basketball except for perhaps free throws.

Well, he’s played so many games in the playoffs someone might say. First of all, one would hope that is the case for all the greats, and secondly, that’s mainly because of him. He’s dragged teams that had no business going on runs to the NBA Finals and we’ve seen the difference between playing for the championship and being in the lottery be simply a result of his presence or lack thereof.

The guy has simply proven it over and over again. It’s why no one has more postseason wins than him and as he is still going, no one ever will again. It’s also why it’s a joke anyone else would be crowned most valuable player in the NBA.

That my friends is LeBron James.